Common Swing Errors: Causes and a Fix, Part 2

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Blog/Coaching/Common Swing Errors: Causes and a Fix, Part 2


Today I'm sharing the 2nd most common reason (and its fix) for the #1 most common mistake that my students make.

At it simplest, my job is to diagnose what a student is doing wrong, and prescribe/help them learn the remedy. Almost always, student full-swing issues fall into one of three (or any combination of these) areas: 

1. Low Point Control

2. Start Direction

3. Excessive or Unpredictable Curve​

For a closer look at these three errors, you can read this previous blog post.

Fixing Low Point Errors: Control Your Bend Movements

Low Point control is the #1 problem my students have. And bad BEND movements are the #2 reason for bad low point control.

(Remember, the #1 reason is bad SWAY, and you can ready about that in this previous blog post.)

If sway is not your problem, then you need to work on your BEND.

What Is Bend?

Bend Problems

  • Bend movements at impact and into the follow through are too many degrees forward
  • This causes bent elbows at impact which leads to fat and/or thin shots
  • It also causes incorrect wrist movements that lead to poor launch characteristics (high, spinney, weak shots)
  • All of which leads to inconsistent results, higher scores, frustration, possible injury, and even giving up golf altogether

To Fix Bend Problems

  • Knowing where to position you body in the follow through will (yes, it will) improve impact
  • Learning and getting into a good follow through position cannot be overstated
  • Short punch shots where you concentrate on getting into a good follow through position earlier than you now do
  • When learning something new, go slow and focus on the movement you are creating, especially since improving Bend is something more golfers have never heard to do

The "Internal Diagnostic"

Lesson Video: Bend Movement At And After Impact

Punch Shot Exercise


Low Point control is the #1 problem that I help new students overcome. And the #2 reason for lack of Low Point control is incorrect Bend movements. 

Use the videos above to understand, practice, and apply better bend movement. 

As always, reach out if you have any questions!  

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Karl Doller

Your Personal Golf Coach

I love coaching golf. Helping you play better golf is my goal. This blog post is designed to help you get to your golf goals. If you have a suggestion for a future blog post, send that to

I Recommend

The Indoor Golf Shop
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The Stack
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WellPutt Putting Mats
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Sub 70 Golf Equipment
online fitted clubs

Zero Restriction
rain and bad weather protection ​

Doller Labs, LLC Copyright 2024+ 

Golf Help with Karl Doller, Navasota TX